two four
Machine image
Exploring human stories
written human communications..
The base building blocks.
Molecules, particle mixing.
Earth, water, air and sun all merging as one.
Formed into, a form of a human.
Golden, fragile and imaginative.
Beautified, somehow electrified.
Where do we find, the origin of life?
We can track back our ancestors
Even to the very first ones…
Their beginnings, those ledgers of humans’ lines.
Named, words invented, their meanings now left to tame,
Definitions and divisive industries, known through academic lessons
Branded and bottled us humans.
Made now in our own idea of our in-visible only images,
At a loss for how to find our common lineage.
Lineage with the plants and the trees.
Planets and bees.
The shimmering stars, the golden hearts.
Are we attempting the technique for opening unknown doors?
Or only making material made doors?
Wood grains and handles that prevent us from moving,
Locking the lock, that’s as far as we’ve got?
At a loss for how we go about forging a key?
Unable to imagine limitless,
No desire to work hard for new ways,
Techniques, flashlights ahead on new lanes.
Out again and again seeking only to tame,
Our fellow humans who are made in our same man made names,
Trapped our selves independently as we think this is it,
this material living we’ve been living.
But that urge is contagious,
A desire to settle back in a consumer based this is all of us type of living,
ignorant of the vibration, dogs whistling, silent invisible communications…
This wave, gift of life giving, words unneeded,
Through it we keep a heartbeat, but have the text book words defined conversations?
A beat of life allows us to seek out and design our way through new evolved portal doors.
Will we walk through the path shining golden, or bury ourselves deeper as we continue to ignore the waves?