Looking for Peace?
what is that sunshine dream?
Picture perfect sunsets every single day, palm trees and gentrified architecture lining every street?
Is this the peace that we as Humans seek?
Or is that our privilege that allows us to look the other way?
America looks as though it is a nation with all of the tools—all of the tools except for the wisdom of peace. We tweet about peace. We selfie about peace. We rarely visualize and believe in peace.
Honestly, do we know peace? If we don’t know peace…is it possible to learn the fundamentals that give resistance a space to manifest peace?
Billion dollar war bills, signatures signing decades of spending endlessly on death. Do we agree? Is that how we get to the peace that we wish to see? Simultaneously, we’re lining the lobbyists pockets without even taking a moment to see if we can see their pockets…instead we look away and pretend we don’t see.
Is life worth more than money and rockets?
Is resistance the fabric of peace?
Or is community the fabric of peace?
If we do not resist the temptations of comfort, will we continue to see the destruction of the image of peace? Left with no connection to community, no connection to communication. Only scribbles and hashtags and reposts in digital “markets”.
Palestine has known peace and the future there will know peace as well.
The war hawks can continue pulling at the fabric in attempts to destroy the real piece of peace in Palestine, but their Keffiyeh is made of strength. Strength in community and strength in faith.
Support the end of war.
Support a path to Peace.
Stand in Solidarity with the Palestinians in 48, in Gaza, in the West Bank, in Golan Heights, in Jordan, in Lebanon…around the world.
Read - Support - Study: