From one home, to a visit in the home town, to a new home now.
California sunshine found its way back to my heart…

Where I grew…where my roots took off in a reach for the sun…where I found the brain food to fight for what is good.
Hollywood — Amy would, I should, I could…I did.
Many dream of this starry space, where screens of movie dreams dance across the pages, where sidewalks are filled with broken dreams and bought out for play-time scenes. Where legends played and where the violin of poverty screams in everyone’s face.
We all should…
…take a break from gazing at such top town creations in this land of gold hues of pain, but filmmakers of all departments, from across the globe…continue to race for these street signs of Hollywood, seeking a small bedroom or a floor to sleep on. Showing up not knowing the his-story and culture of studios which have for over a century…placed the false granite stars on the sidewalks for faux fanciness, even painting false faces with black make-it-up paint, marks left on their legacy.
MLK Jr and Malcom X…they weren’t fighting to stay alive 100 years ago, their real life tale only goes back to a little over 50 years ago…was Hollywood suits and ties defending their rights as they continued to make it up tales “based on reality”?

Frames, left as reminders of the spaces.
The reality of the quiet moments and the in our face tales of others’ moments.
This place I called home, I finally let go.
From one neighborhood I truly loved, hidden away from the bustle of it all, but still close enough to dive into it all, where I learned to write about the World and systems of it all.
Where canyon dreams lifted my wings, onward to Northern California where I’m now living out my heart’s dreams, in new canyon seams where the waves and trees lift my wings.

Where I came from…the birth of my heART, the growth of my spirit’s heART where others’ wanted to see me wear armor…to the place where I feel at home now.
Life like a fossil, captured the moments in digital space, where I preserved all that’s got me this far and what now allows me to care for my trades and skills and heART with care.
Where nature blesses me daily and the sun continues shining…Santa Cruz, CA.
IN — LA — SC

From Corn Fields to streets of grime and suits and ties…to this space of magical feels.
more coming soon…