from i am to i see.



What is it, a title, a definition that surrounds our definition? 


What is it, an object, a mass of bubbles, blocking waves and absorbing waves?


What is it, a gift, a title with a definition for the mass of waves?


What is it, a word, a definition for the movement of our definitions?

We’re in motion, the form we stand upon and the form we stand with. The thoughts, the rays, the wind, the particles that float…we are them, they are us. The memories, the lost ones, the traumas and the pleasures…their impact on our bubbles, will define us. Though within, there is a tiny reel…that spins, it’s censor, can switch. From the two eyes viewing the back of the skull, to the one eye…viewing the vibrancy and prisms of the World. 

Have our forms aligned so many definitions around our forms they’ve manifested as chains. Preventing ourself own selves from freely moving any of the bubbles forward? Stuck in the glass sphere we’ve built around ourselves, forgetting the wonder that is just outside of the glassy spheres we see through and continues past the invisible sphere we place as a definition called sky everyday.

Is there joy beyond what we envision, color beyond we have encased in definitions? Our connections in human life so dull compared to the majestic world of nature, even the once dull palm trees lining the sky are now seen as golden sparkles and green gradients, sparkling temporary art from nature that humans overlook everyday. We’ve limited our view to the cement walls, black pavement and green lawns…so much so that we’re unable to view the World’s truth.

Sunglasses, small screens, flat surfaces with limited number codes to identify what we can read and see. Putting training wheels on our forms as we move, definitions leading us blindly into Worlds where even when we see, we don’t really see. It’s not until we see with feel that the mind expands beyond the skull of thinking.

Was it the machine, the visuals and the definitions in perfect microscopic details that allowed me to see? Or the invisible voice inside that programmed me to see? The prayers from those who saw me before I saw me? Those are the real angels, the ones who heard me, saw me, and believed my light even when I was blind to the truth I could really release and speak. It’s a combination of all I’ve seen, and all I’ve believed, now wiping the slate clean with the faith I feel see, the smog only made me polish my shine brighter.

Unlocked now, a treasure chest of my heart’s wishes, desires, passions, as they moved and grew through society’s definitions. No changes in the deep heart’s inner feeling, that inner light encouraged me to continue growing so I could speak a real truth—a truth not found amongst the noise of the city, the circles of friends or the online “social” mediaing, but found through the quiet and solo time where my heart and mind aligned. Inspiration grew new wings—golden crystal wings that grew in spaces where only winged critters flew.

Now I see, the past ways of seeing the back of my skull versus seeing the color and bright World outside of my skull. No blame in self, as the journey is what brought me to this stage, and now no blame on others for the way the World moves. Our definitions, our forms, our names, our joys…they merge as one. A mass called society taking up space on this planet. Through inspiration left by other’s passion now in books, with the support of nature’s inspiration…can we all see the magical World and gather Her invisible lessons? Can we see the rainbows of colors not in our dull “Earth Tones,” but in ones that bounce the reflections of joy and peace for all of us? Through all walking with gratitude for the form we walk in and the form we are allowed to eat and grow with, Mother Earth, what would the World be? From nature we see the sky change gradients across unfathomable spaces, can we re-tone our gradients to shift from these mono tone grays, to match Her displays that we know will continue above our head everyday…no matter if we fail to gaze up and offer a Her simple thanks or if we continue to shoot metal and explosions in all ways.

My old eyes weren’t viewing through the sphere of the third eye, I viewed through the two spheres seeing objects that society placed in front of me and on me, on all of us. Seeing now, I see beauty in the smallest bubbles to the largest forms. The sight into life is all brand new. It is no wonder I felt the World misunderstood me, I was misunderstanding my assignment. To the pieces that didn’t work, to the connections that failed, I can only view those now through the lens of forward, no dragging the backward forward, only joy moves forward. Only peace moves forward. Let’s grow peace for our forms and for this Earth form. Can we dream up peace as the way and put those dreams into play?

<3 Love & Light always, all ways.




A piece of our one.