be peace

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age . exp

Age. Experience.

As we grow, both expand, sometimes the mind’s sight vision tunnel-visions instead of expanding, thoughts and passion focus in on that one small point of the life experiences as one dot of time in the now…less mind on the past, the future, or the lost opportunity to relive memories, with more emphasizes on the inside moment. Those spaces where true expansion happens, not to an outside dream we’re chasing after, but towards a glowing spot light within that says, “it’s all going to be all right…don’t you see how the dots have linked up until tonight. Breathe.”

As young minds, we race to experience. Concerts, friend hangs, road trips and buying things. Learning ourself along the journey, the wishes coming to life through that which move us into our own harmony. Sometimes the flashy can lead those along a journey where the darkness must show the inside before learning how to trust the inside. The linking of patterns that connect skills to dreams that were always chased after, across years slowly showing us they were there all of the time. We can’t rewind, and shouldn’t want to rewind the time…awareness and cherish. Becoming aware that all is connecting in due time, we need only to cherish the moments…the laughter, the chatter and the links that are there. No racing needed, no pacing needed.

We’re taught as young workers bees that life is how hard you work, molding a society who works so hard they forget to look within at the dreams they work so hard to describe in buys and play things. Distracted by the outside voice of society, will we ever evolve into a chain of efficiency or will we continue to teach younger ones they must work for the higher up ones before they reach the heights where there is no weight of poverty on the chest hardening their breath. A mind rattled by survival with no mind space to dwell on the innovative solutions outside of the tunnel vision of society’s vision. My how we’ve warped our mind’s eye.

Do we know our within? Why or even how we breathe? The sky, the shades, the fluffy cotton balls of water and silver that float or downpour whispering to our fantasies to chase the sunrise, see the horizon lines, but yet our feet can’t fly like those winds of higher skies. Gravity weights fitted on as boots to our feet, with chains of supplies strapping our arms and hearts into a chair of conformity. Our hearts are full of “glory” if only it meant more that patriotism and religious stories.

Follow the light, listen to the light, there is no light if the outside blinds the within from seeing its own light. Now, not yesterday not tomorrow. . . now is when you can make the decision to step towards the dreams you seek to see…even if that is only listening within to the voice that protects those dreams from outside contamination. We need all of our dreams…please believe in your dreams…there is much more beauty in unique dreams versus copies and pastes of past dreams.