be peace

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patreon = patrons

We’ve often heard the words Patron floating around about the fine art museum world’s of art.

Turning our eyes to the venture capitalist world, their eyes are on the “artist” too. They are seeking to bring value to not only the artist, but the work the artists create through code or design.

So why don’t more of our communities support one another? We all look for angel investors, label contracts or studio buy outs?

We each have expressions to get out of our heads, hearts and spirits.

Yet, meeting our basic human needs, can often deter a lot of us from reaching our potential.

This starts when we’re small. The public education systems: sit in rows, walk in lines, pick from a multiple choice option and don’t ask questions outside of the collective’s views. You think different? You can’t sit still…medicine, therapy and then builds the inner blame or guilt.

We then turn into adolescents, we feel an urge to want to be accepted, but by who? The friends and colleagues who also are on the journey of growing through emotional and societal changes? We put so much pressure on one another to “fit in” even though in reality, none of us know what we’re “fitting into.” We just see “brands”.

Can we see more? Can we put our needs into our arts? Can our arts compliment the supply chains for our human needs around the globe?

Imagine a world, imagine peace, imagine a space where art can thrive in all its forms.

Don’t give up on your dreams, friends.
”Keep shining”, I’ve said for years.

It’s our inner lights. The ray of motivation that gets us up each day.

So many globally get that “motivation” from the physical need for food, water, housing and air.

We have to go to our jobs, but collectively collaborating…could we build the new? Locally, sustainably and without our egos involved?

I believe we can.

Support your friends, support your children’s dreams.
We are all the future.
Our ideas are our foundations.
Our creations are the lights that light the way for all.
The past light guides the way for us, the now light lights the way for changes.

Continue shining, my friends.