be peace

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your light fly, butterfly.

Hope filled, faith filled? Free dumb fields and now you can’t break free to feel light filled?

All the same. Still in moving time with one breath at a time—time stills, movement without our thinking on rotation contemplation.

Do we feel it?

Energy vibrations that move in-visible…the minuscule only mind’s imagination, feeling for survival that’s fitting.

Can it even be known?

Uncovered, discovered, told it and sold it, or is it free for all, instantaneously known by all of creation?

Only needing a little polish and then each would be a witness to it all in movement and feel its shininess.

Imagine for a moment…

How much the mind would need to focus on and think about if all within didn’t operate so freely and effortlessly, processes executed without our needing to think it into being?

Mind fooled, took a path to learning, but lost the art of thinking.

Us humans have paved over holes with a make shift patch?

It’s no issue, we’ve left the path of higher sensitivities, struggling to find our way back again…

but we can fly and we can create a new in our time bend..

Allowing the entire form to feel new vibrations that haven’t been felt even in past times with those sensitive to feeling past forms that past walked with.

Higher feelings, no need for aimless and mind-less brain entertainment fillings.

Wasted time should best be know as spent time…would then we put a value on the seconds, minutes, hours, down to every breath we’re breathing…shifts in value would encourage a deeper meaning?

No cents, no common sense even…

All individuals enJOYing their feelings and fillings…

Filled with a pride, each humans’ uniqueness appreciated, collective contributions and bigger than self thinkings.

Coalition living, with one another and with the spaces where our wings of breath breathe out and mix with the air we all flex—the particles we all live through.

Plants, animals and humans as one all feeling the filling of life giving.

Hopeful, but faith filled.

One day our hues of man will elevate to a true definition of humans being kind, I believe, with every breath my wings fill.